27 Nakshatras in Astrology - Their Ruling Planets and Gods
Astrology is not only about planets it is also about stars. When planets transit through houses, they move through stars. There are in total 27 stars and each star has a unique role to play. If you visit a good astrologer in Rathtala , you can get to know your birth star along with Rishi and Rising Sign. Specifically, Nakshatras denote the roadmap and you can find the references also in Rig Veda, Yajurveda, and Atharva Veda. In Vedic Astrology, Nakshatra is referred to as the constellations or groups of stars. When a baby is born, he/she is born with the Moon in a specific star and the star provides great impact in personal and professional realms throughout life. Connection Between Nakshatras and the Moon in Astrology Within 28 days, the Moon completes the transition through 12 houses and 27 nakshatras. Roughly, each nakshatra extends to 13 degrees and 20 minutes, and the Moon spends around a full day in each nakshatra (divided into four padas). Additionally, each pada indicates the 9...