Discover Results of the 4th Lord in Different Houses

In Vedic Astrology, your 4th house indicates your home and mental peace. Natives born with a strong placement of the 4th house lord are entitled to have peace and happiness. Thus, a renowned astrologer in Siliguri has explained through his pen of knowledge how the 4th house lord behaves and affects us according to its placement in our horoscope. 

Let us explore the results of the 4th house lord’s placement in different houses and find out how it affects our lives as well. 

4th Lord in Different Houses & Its Results

  1. 4th Lord in 1st House: You will have the support of your Mother or from a mother-like figure to build your home. Family values play a crucial role in shaping your identity. 

  1. 4th Lord in 2nd House: You will earn through your family business or real estate. Your family support matters a lot to increase your income. 

  1. 4th Lord in 3rd House: You might leave your home and get settled in a foreign land. Separation from your home is frequent and it could affect your teaching and way of communication. 

  1. 4th Lord in 4th House: You have a strong bond with your mother and home. It provides stability and ensures peace in your family life. 

  1. 4th Lord in 5th House: You will find your peace once you provide time for creative pursuits, sports, or for your children. 

  1. 4th Lord in 6th House: You will find peace at your home once you win over the challenges. However, you might struggle to secure peace at home due to maternal bodies. 

  1. 4th Lord in 7th House: You might have arranged marriage. Your mother plays an important role in retaining peace at home. 

  1. 4th Lord in 8th House: You find your peace in isolation or studying the occult. You are introspective and enjoy living alone. 

  1. 4th Lord in 9th House: Your home is surrounded by spirituality. You enjoy having spiritual knowledge and fostering a higher level of wisdom. 

  1. 4th Lord in 10th House: You may love to work from home. Your success in your career shapes your image at home and in society. 

  1. 4th Lord in 11th House: Your comfort and gain come from family-linked sources or prominent organizations. Relocation might be beneficial for you. 

  1. 4th Lord in 12th House: You will be forced to leave your motherland for career or creative pursuits. You will find peace in spirituality and living in isolation. 

Hope, this blog opened your eyes to necessary information related to the 4th house and its placement in different houses. If you are curious to know more about your 4th lord placement, consult a good astrologer in Siliguri. You can consult online or offline based on your convenience. 


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